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Author Help

What is an Enchant Your Kindle Event?


» It's a way to connect authors with new readers by offering their titles for FREE! Authors are encouraged to come together to promote each others books and meet new readers along the way. 



How can I join?


» Simply fill out the form HERE! 



How do I set my book to FREE?


» If you have published through D2D, you can view the steps here.

It's recommend setting the dates a couple days before the event, just in case.

D2D Promotional Price Tool Step by Step:
Select Book Title you wish to use → Takes you to the view book page, scroll down slightly to "Ebook Details" section and click in your "new price" box to change the price → On the drop down check, "I want to run this price for a specific period of time." and click "Switch to promotional price tool" → This will pull up a calendar and allow you to change your ebooks price to FREE for a specific amount of time. We recommend setting it to FREE a few days in advance to be safe and give yourself time for it to reflect on Amazon because you WILL have to ask Amazon to price match once it shows as free elsewhere. Don't forget to CLICK on Promotional Territorial Prices and set your ebook to free by checking all the territory boxes as well. Your readers outside the US will thank you.


»To set your book to FREE through KDP, you have to set your book to free on all available vendors first, and then email Amazon with several links. Email Amazon through their customer service portal here. Select "Pricing" and then "Price Matching" in the dropdown. Request a price match and be sure to add links to your other vendors to prove that the book is available free elsewhere. It's recommend doing this several days in advance as Amazon isn't obligated to change the price. 


»To set your book to FREE through KDP Select, follow Amazon's directions here. Amazon limits the number of free days (5 days out of the 90 day enrollment period), so be sure you have slots available.

Please note: KU sets books to free at midnight PST. Enchanted Realm Co. will go through and check that every book is set appropriately to free. If a book isn't set to free, the book will be removed from the website and the author will be removed from participating in future events. If you have any issues, please email as soon as possible. 



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